Mobile Flash Funds
M&T Flash Funds is a way for customers, to make their mobile deposit immediately available for withdrawals or purchases. They are prompted to select between standard at no additional charge, or M&T Flash Funds if they need the money sooner.
Flash Funds was created out of a major product pivot. A new product owner had identified an issue with their current initiative. We were brought in to help their team through a problem.
I began by facilitating a session where I walked the team through Jeff Gothelf’s Lean UX canvas. The outcome was to retest the initial product offering and understand its value and viability in the market.
We then began stakeholder interviews with partners from around the bank. Our goal was to understand the effects the current product may have on different areas of the business. After understanding what impacts our stakeholders believed the product may have we then set off to 15+ branches across our footprint to observe and interview both customers and employees.
After synthesizing our findings from our time in the branches we had come to the conclusion that the current product was not appropriate. We had also come up with the idea of Flash Funds and decided to prototype and test the feature in market.
Facilitation through the Lean UX Canvas (Problem statement, outcomes, proto-personas, solutions, hypothesis statements, and experimentation plans)
Stakeholder interviews
Analysis of usage data within mobile applications
Contextual Inquiry through visits to branches across our footprint
Customer intercepts and interviews
Creation of prototype to test with customers
Specs for development
Lean UX Canvas